There is a lot of confusion in the common language about some fundamental terms in physics. An even in science, some slight basic differences between these words sometime occur. We are talking about force, field, action, energy, information, etc. In the following, we will precisely define these terms and put them in a new framework, with a consistent set of relations among them. It is really important to understand the deep meaning of these words, because in them, and in their mutual relations, we can find a large part of the knowledge of the foundations of Reality.

Thus, for Force we intend an active entity, an agent, that acts on a Field, a passive entity, an acted, producing Action, events, variations in/of the field. This is all that exists at the most elementary level of Reality, and, in some way, at the increasingly complex levels of existence.

The Main Causal Chain of Reality

Reality is a process, a flux of events, of incessant mutations, changes, variations. When we want to observe, to measure something, it is as we try to make a snapshot. We cannot directly measure this incessant flux of existence. We can only try to catch some image, or successive images, like in a movie. In facts, in physics, we always talk about the states of the systems and the change from one state an another. Action is always intended as a passage from one state to a successive one. In facts, in physics, we find more frequently the word Energy, than the word Action. We can say that a Force have done an Action, but we can measure that action only comparing to successive measures on the system, two states, two Energy levels, at the end.

In some ways simplifying, we can say that Energy is a measure of the differentiation of a field, of the distance from homogeneity in / of a field, and, ultimately, of the quantity of Information needed to fully describe the system. Complete homogeneity, zero Energy, zero Information. Maximum inhomogeneity, maximum Energy, maximum Information required.

Thus, even more in a complex world, we have to extend the concept of Energy to comprehend the result of the measures operated on complex systems (more complex that an electron, for example). All the states of complex systems can be expressed in the wide concept of Energy, that we call Information.

Information, under the incessant pressure of a Force, organizes the Action in / of a Field in Structures, that can be described by the same Information, the amount of differentiation and organization in / of the Field, the whole system, or a sub-system in it. Structures of Information, organized in more and more complex macro structures, lead to the existence of the Forms, the objects of the Physical Reality.

It is not a case that the basic elements of the conceptual structure that I call “The Main Causal Chain of Reality” are exactly: Force, Action, Information (Energy), Form. They are the very basic causal bricks of the creation and the evolution of Reality.

First of all, a simple question: “who really needs a beginning”? Is it why we are mortal beings, born in a precise instant in the past, that we are always looking for starts and endings in every aspects of nature and of our life?

Every beginning takes with itself a non-trivial question. And, before? From what any new born entity, or any new process, stems out?

Personally, I think, and this is one of the main topics in this system of knowledge, that this question loses its importance, its relevance, when we talk about the whole reality, reality as a process, where even its fundamental dimensions, causality, space and time (mainly time, for this discussion) emerge from a more elementary and undetermined state.

I think the right questions to ask are: “State of what?” and “Why and how this phase transition, this turn in state have occurred?”. And more, “how causality, space and time emerged from a more elementary and indeterminate state of that unknown entity?”.

I call that entity “The Source” and that state “Nothingness” (a pure hypothetical state). And the answers to the other questions, I think, can be find in the study of the dynamics of the inner interactions of the two complementary sub-entities (Force and Field) that compose the Source, the primary cause of any event, the cause of the incessant creation and the evolution of Reality. This is the main object of study of this system of knowledge.

I believe that we have to give up trying to find the ultimate origin of the Source. We have to accept that the Source has always existed, or rather that it exists outside of time and together that it causes the existence of time. I believe that we should accept that the origin of the Source – why it exists and why this Reality, the evolving Universe, without beginning and without end, incessantly emerges from it – is a mystery (), perhaps the only mystery that we will ever be able to unveil…

Image credits: Nasa

The Source has intention, will, personality, finality?

The answer is no. In this system of knowledge, the Source is an impersonal, unintentional, unwilling, no cognitive natural entity without finality. From its expression, the existence emerges, and the whole Reality evolves.

However, the Source, origin of all the possibilities, of all the evolutive lines of Reality, is the causal origin of the evolution toward intention, will, cognitive activity, life, and so on.

The fundamental causal entity, root of the creation and the evolution of Reality, is not pure chance, not mere casual fluctuation, absolute chaos without a direction. At the same time the Source is not an intelligent entity, a god, a superpowered agent. In other words, Reality is not the fruit of pure causality, as most of the science proposes, nor the product of the creation of a God, the result of an intelligent design, or whatsoever a supernatural effect, as in most of the religious beliefs.

Quantum-vs-GodBut chaos and casuality, together with direction, organization, emergence are the fundamental characterizing aspects of the manifestation of the Source. Observing the Reality, the Universe in evolution, it is so evident that these aspects coexist, as creation and evolution co-operate in the incessant construction of the Reality.

I know that this model, my opinions about the very beginning of the Universe, the story and the sense of Reality will dissatisfy most of the people, both in the science field, and in the religious side. But, nonetheless I think that opposites in some way have to encounter, to find a new synthesis, a new and more unitarian vision of the whole.

I believe that everyone must be free to think about the origin and the sense, the creation and the evolution, in the way he wants. Any representation, any feeling about these fundamental matters must be respected and no one should arrogate the right to rule the most personal and intimate nor in the attempt to assert a scientific truth, nor for in the urgency to assert a religious belief. Finally, I think that the Source is so undefinable, the absolute without form, that everyone can represent it to oneself as a physical force, as a god, a divine supernatural force, as transcendent and /or immanent, as everything and nothing at the same time. The only thing I cannot believe is that no source (no force and field) exists. Because, by definition, if no Source of existence exists, to existence will not manifest, no one could pose this simple but crucial question.

The Source, even being the origin of infinite possibilities, is so simple, the most elementary causal source that we can think about. It is the without form, externally causally unconstrained (nothing can be causally, spatially and temporally external to the Source, it is the causal whole that produce the whole existence).

So, we cannot say that the Source is a cognitive entity, that operates by will, with finality. But we can say that these aspects, that will emerge in the more advanced stages of the evolution of the Reality, are at the very causal beginning, in such a way present as possibility, as potential, in the Source itself. They will emerge from the evolution of that so simple aspects characterizing the Source, and the two sub entities, the two complementary aspects whose inner interaction shapes the world.

The Evolutionary Physics is a way of seeing, describing and explaining Reality. Reality is an unitarian evolutionary process, by which the Force, the fundamental entity that creates the existence, constantly re-creates the Universe of the Forms, all that exists, “everything” in evolution.

As part of Evolutionary Physics, we call this process “Process of Formation of Reality”, that constantly transmutes the Force in the Forms. By one side, this process represents all the activities performed by operators of Reality, responsible for the co-construction of Reality itself, and, by the other side, the cognitive model that helps us to understand their functions and their mutual interactions, in a graphical representation, a glyph, an easy readable diagram.

The Evolutionary Physics represents an attempt to create a comprehensive framework to accommodate and reconcile the scientific and technological vision of reality with the humanistic, philosophical, mystical, religious view of existence and life. An initiative aimed at regaining the unified vision of knowledge, fragmented during the evolution of human culture, necessary to overcome the difficulties of understanding and communication between these two worlds, that sometimes seem so distant and irreconcilable. Distance that prevents the science of achieving a fuller and deeper understanding of the physical universe, overcoming the major limitations of current explanatory theories, and, at the same time, prevents the humanistic, religious, esoteric culture of freeing itself from those elements of superstition, fantasy that make it unacceptable to many people and easily attackable by those who want to deny the existence of an “intangible”, “spiritual” Reality, that animates the Universe.

It is therefore to achieve a single view that can explain Reality as it really is, overcoming the limitations of mere reason, focused on the matter, and, with a careful analysis, integrating the spiritual ideas, which, since millennia, offer deep reflections about the formation and existence of Reality.

Then, as part of Evolutionary Physics, we investigate and develope all those issues, dear to the basic science, primarily physics and cosmology, but also biology and life sciences, with a broad approach, free from dogmatism and rationalistic closures, trying to reach more profound explanatory models than those currently proposed by the science, and trying to create profitable synergies with the extraordinary achievements of humanistic thought. We refer particularly to the cosmogonic visions of ancient religions, and the extraordinary knowledge systems developed within all the esoteric schools around the world (particularly the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the representation of the eternal change in Taoism, the vision of ultimate reality in Buddhism, and so on).

A fascinating journey in search of the causes and forms of existence in evolution.