First of all, a simple question: “who really needs a beginning”? Is it why we are mortal beings, born in a precise instant in the past, that we are always looking for starts and endings in every aspects of nature and of our life?

Every beginning takes with itself a non-trivial question. And, before? From what any new born entity, or any new process, stems out?

Personally, I think, and this is one of the main topics in this system of knowledge, that this question loses its importance, its relevance, when we talk about the whole reality, reality as a process, where even its fundamental dimensions, causality, space and time (mainly time, for this discussion) emerge from a more elementary and undetermined state.

I think the right questions to ask are: “State of what?” and “Why and how this phase transition, this turn in state have occurred?”. And more, “how causality, space and time emerged from a more elementary and indeterminate state of that unknown entity?”.

I call that entity “The Source” and that state “Nothingness” (a pure hypothetical state). And the answers to the other questions, I think, can be find in the study of the dynamics of the inner interactions of the two complementary sub-entities (Force and Field) that compose the Source, the primary cause of any event, the cause of the incessant creation and the evolution of Reality. This is the main object of study of this system of knowledge.

I believe that we have to give up trying to find the ultimate origin of the Source. We have to accept that the Source has always existed, or rather that it exists outside of time and together that it causes the existence of time. I believe that we should accept that the origin of the Source – why it exists and why this Reality, the evolving Universe, without beginning and without end, incessantly emerges from it – is a mystery (), perhaps the only mystery that we will ever be able to unveil…

Image credits: Nasa

The same fundamental dimensions of the Physical Reality are relative, emerge and evolve:

  • cause (causality evolves from chaos/uncertainty, to possibility/probability, to necessity/determination, to finality/the emergence of sense),
  • space (it’s not a table, a container, it gives way to more and more complex organizations of the space, the space domains that support the structures that emerge from the dynamics of the Elementary Field),
  • time (giving way of the complex relations among the events that dynamically compose the process of formations of Reality.

From Wikipedia: - Creative Commons licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 - No modified

Space and time doesn’t exist as we thought, and, even today, often commonly we think about them. Space is not a container, absolute and independent from what happens, an entity a priori. So, time is not a flow, again absolute and independent from what happens, another entity a priori. Both are phenomena, expressions, manifestations of the dynamics of the Source, they universally and locally depend on the fundamental physical quantity that I call Action, the Elementary Events, in particular they depend on the distribution of the tiny fluctuations at Planck scale of the Field, produced by the Force acting on it. The same dependence emerges in the relation among space-time, mass density, acceleration and gravitation, and indirectly to the space-time contraction/dilation. All phenomena related to the same dynamics.
No extra dimensions are needed, both in space and in time. So, Physical Reality can be fully described in these dimensions, whose fundamental nature is determined by the density and the form of the occurring events that incessantly shape the Reality itself:

  • one causal dimension (evolving from the elementary to the complex, complexity is a measure of the causal distance from events, from Structures and Forms that they incessantly form),
  • three space dimensions
  • one time dimension.

Image source: Wikipedia Tensor – Creative Commons licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 – No modified

An example of a wonderfull video about the story of the Universe. Unfortunately it tells a story that, though it is the espression of the main stream cosmology, is not exacly what we would to watch in an Evolutionary Knowledge perspective… But very nice indeed…



Web Site of the Project: Melody Sheep – Remixing the universe. One video at a time.