The Evolutionary Physics is a way of seeing, describing and explaining Reality. Reality is an unitarian evolutionary process, by which the Force, the fundamental entity that creates the existence, constantly re-creates the Universe of the Forms, all that exists, “everything” in evolution.

As part of Evolutionary Physics, we call this process “Process of Formation of Reality”, that constantly transmutes the Force in the Forms. By one side, this process represents all the activities performed by operators of Reality, responsible for the co-construction of Reality itself, and, by the other side, the cognitive model that helps us to understand their functions and their mutual interactions, in a graphical representation, a glyph, an easy readable diagram.

The Evolutionary Physics represents an attempt to create a comprehensive framework to accommodate and reconcile the scientific and technological vision of reality with the humanistic, philosophical, mystical, religious view of existence and life. An initiative aimed at regaining the unified vision of knowledge, fragmented during the evolution of human culture, necessary to overcome the difficulties of understanding and communication between these two worlds, that sometimes seem so distant and irreconcilable. Distance that prevents the science of achieving a fuller and deeper understanding of the physical universe, overcoming the major limitations of current explanatory theories, and, at the same time, prevents the humanistic, religious, esoteric culture of freeing itself from those elements of superstition, fantasy that make it unacceptable to many people and easily attackable by those who want to deny the existence of an “intangible”, “spiritual” Reality, that animates the Universe.

It is therefore to achieve a single view that can explain Reality as it really is, overcoming the limitations of mere reason, focused on the matter, and, with a careful analysis, integrating the spiritual ideas, which, since millennia, offer deep reflections about the formation and existence of Reality.

Then, as part of Evolutionary Physics, we investigate and develope all those issues, dear to the basic science, primarily physics and cosmology, but also biology and life sciences, with a broad approach, free from dogmatism and rationalistic closures, trying to reach more profound explanatory models than those currently proposed by the science, and trying to create profitable synergies with the extraordinary achievements of humanistic thought. We refer particularly to the cosmogonic visions of ancient religions, and the extraordinary knowledge systems developed within all the esoteric schools around the world (particularly the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the representation of the eternal change in Taoism, the vision of ultimate reality in Buddhism, and so on).

A fascinating journey in search of the causes and forms of existence in evolution.

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