Evolutionary Meta-metaphysics

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Evolutionary Meta-Metaphysics (Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences) is the part of Evolutionary Knowledge, in particular of the Evolutionary Metaphysics, which studies the Process of Formation of Representations of Cognitive Processes and representations incessantly built by the Finalistic Agents, the natural (living beings) and the artificial ones (programs and information processing systems).

Common definition

The set of cognitive disciplines whose object of study is the knowledge of a thinking system, be it natural or artificial. They include various disciplines that, while operating in different fields, combine the results of their research with the common goal of clarifying the functioning of the mind. They are neurophysiology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive linguistics and the philosophy of mind, but they often go to explore territories bordering anthropology, genetics, ethology, the economy (think of game theory) and even art. In any case, what mainly qualifies the cognitive sciences since their birth, at Boston's MIT in 1956, is their typically interdisciplinary character and their constitution through a multidisciplinary approach that exploits the conjugation of very different disciplines (physiology, neurology, intelligence artificial, philosophy and psychology) to try to focus on a vision of the mind as valid as possible. (Link to Wikipedia page: Cognitive_science).


See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
