Finalistic Agents

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Finalistic Agents are Agents / Forces that operate in that part of the Physical domain of Reality in which the phenomena prevail over the deterministic and the quantum ones. They are "centers of causal action in the cognitive domain of Nature", which create and give power to the dynamics of living beings and automata.

Their expressions (behavior) manifest "goal", "purpose", and cannot be predicted with accuracy because they emerge from complex interactions beteen complex physical and cognitive environments (ecosystems), complex cognitive systems, complex communications / memories / reasoning. Because of these complex characteristics, their behavior can be scalcely predicted and must be represented in probabilities.

Finalistic agents are responsible / govern the dynamics and the interactions of the Cognitive Forms.

They deal with Cognitive Action (Cognitive Events) and Cognitive Information (Cognitive Relations).

Common definition

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
