EK Project

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eK Project (the Evolutionary Knowledge Project) is a research project aimed to construct a new system of knowledge, to develop a new comprehensive model of description of Reality, founded on a constructivist paradigm, an integral extension of the evolutionary approach to the whole domain of Nature, the Reality as a whole, the Universe in evolution. A cultural initiative that promotes the research and the diffusion of Evolutionary Knowledge.

This is an attempt to build a unitary and global representation of Reality, from the most elementary levels, in the deep of the world of infinitely small, to the most complex and extended levels, the cosmos, the life, the Universe, to achieve a deeper integration of different areas of investigation, to promote the construction of a unified conceptual framework and a set of integrated cognitive tools, to reach a real progress in the understanding of Reality.

The object of this research, which aims to extend the evolutionary approach to all areas of investigation of Nature, is the Reality itself, a process of continuous and incessant of formation (creation and evolution), and its manifestation, the Universe, seen as an evolving complex whole. The development of new concepts, new theories, and, together, the recovery of the precious cultural heritage of humanity, can produce important improvements in the process of developing a less dogmatic and fragmented knowledge.

This project consists of the following Research Areas:

Research Areas are ways of expression of the research activity, both in the theoretical and the field of applications, of artistic and technological creation. These areas potentially cover all the fields of interest in the natural and human knowledge and provide an integrated picture of the various representations of cognitive and experiential reality.


We want to describe, explain, predict, change...

To describe any aspect of Reality in the terms of the most fundamental, elementary, entities. To describe what in the current scientific mainstream is considered indescribable.

To explain how Reality functions, from the basics to the whole complexity of the Universe in evolution.

To predict testable things, to bring the scientific method back to the center of the scene.

To change our approach to research, both in the theoretical and the experimental sense, by opening up our mind, going beyond current dogmas, unveiling the new, the strange, the unity, the mysteries that we cannot understand now.

Mail goals

  • To construct a new [[Evolutionary Knowledge System|System of Knowledge
  • To describe a new vision of Reality and the Universe in Evolution
  • To describe the fundamental structure and dynamics of Reality (the physical and the cognitive domains as a whole)
  • To develop a new and wide unitary explicative framework
  • To formulate new, and partly unconventional, hypotheses about the fundaments of Reality,
  • To propose an original and useful framework for the formalization of Evolutionary Knowledge

Other goals

  • To investigate, and possibly solve, the main mysteries in physics and cosmology, such as:
    • What is Reality, why it exits and how it functions
    • Does Reality, and everything in it, exist or happen (entities vs. events)?
    • What does the basic concepts commonly used in physics, as force, field, causality, space, time, mass, motion, charge and spin, energy, information, radiation, matter, represent in the terms of the fundamental entities and the elementary principles of Reality?
    • Is Reality based on continuous or quantized entities?
    • Why there is (infinitely) more matter then antimatter?
    • Does Dark Matter really exist, why and what is it?
    • Does the Universe really expand? Does Dark Energy really exist, why and what is it?
    • Is the Standard Model complete? Why can’t it explain the masses of matter particles?
    • Do we need quantum gravity? Is it possible or necessary to quantize mass, space-time and gravity? Will we ever be able to quantize mass, space-time and gravity?


We are currently:

We have:

  • released a new version of a short presentation of this Project (click to open)

When completed, the writing of the paper "The Fundamental Nature of Reality" (Paper Contents - Second Chapter: A first look - Third Chapter: Reality? - Universe?) will restart.

Then a complete revision of the Semantic Maps Viewer web application and all the Evolutionary Knowledge Base Semantic Maps.

In addition, we will be busy completing the creation of the slides of the "A Journey Through Evolutionary Physics" presentation.


  • Developing a theoretical framework that we call “The Process of Formation of Reality”, that comprehend the sub-processes of Creation (the dynamics of Action) and Evolution (the dynamics of Information), that incorporate the structure that we call “The Main Causal Chain of Reality”
  • Developing important resources to support this research project, the promotion and the diffusion of Evolutionary Knowledge:

See Also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper