TFNR - The non-particle nature of the most part of the world

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The question is not about, or not eminently about, baryonic and non-baryonic matter. Always particles!

The real question is about particle and non-particle matter.

We have to go beyond the atomistic vision of matter, for a wider approach to matter as a multiform organization of the aspect of the Field that we call space-time (spacetime field and gravitational field.

To understand the dark side of the Universe we must look away from the ordinary matter we see through the light that shines out of the interactions of the particles that compose it.

We have to look in the obscurity of the macrocosms and, at the same time, in the deepest abysses of the microcosms, in search of the pattern of organizations of the tiny fluctuation that represent the most elementary form of existence, the Elementary Action itself, and its fundamental forms of expression: Perturbation, in particular.

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