TFNR - Conclusions: a look into the future

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To you, reader, who have had the strength and perseverance to get to this twelfth and final chapter, all my thanks and appreciation.

I hope I have managed to express the great passion that sustained me in this long research that began when, as a child, I took things apart to see how they were made and how they worked.

I also hope I was able to outline my vision of Reality and how it works. A multilayered reality, where each layer, while appearing to be a separate world, becomes truly understandable and makes sense only if seen as a part of the whole.

A Reality where an immense and infinite Process of Formation, both creative and evolutionary, incessantly transmutes the possible into the actual, constructs more and more complex forms starting from more elementary components / events, and so on up to the infinite complexity of the Universe in evolution.

As we have seen many times in previous chapters, everything is "Entities that produce Events organized by Relations in Processes". This infinitely repeated scheme, in an exasperated parallelism, produces the incessant Formation of Reality, both in the physical and in the cognitive domain of Nature.

In this last chapter, a few more words about this work, about how it originated and developed, about its aims and intentions, about possible lines of development, formalization, observations and experiments, a last note about its final purpose and its meaning for our lives, and what knowledge and consciousness can represent for our individual and collective development and well-being.

I know. I'm about to repeat for the umpteenth time concepts that have already been repeated so many times, expressed in many different ways. I apologize for these endless repetitions. In my partial defense, a few simple considerations. In this paper I have tried to outline a new system of knowledge, where key terms are used with meanings often very different from those of common language, and sometimes very far from the meanings attributed in mainstream science.

Many of the new concepts illustrated in this paper are counterintuitive, or very different / opposite to those established in the academic field. I could not take anything for granted, and I felt I had to give time, first of all to myself, but above all to the reader, to get familiar with this new language, new terminology, new concepts, ideas, hypotheses, proposals.

A program of appropriate formalization strategy, new observations, new experiments and re-editions of classical experiments, an exploration of the Process of Formation of Cognitive Reality and its dynamics.

And again, I will try to give synthetic answers to two fundamental questions: Who are we? What are we?

Finally, a look at an aspect that I consider extremely important: the value of research and its possible impact on our life and well-being, as human beings who reflect on the Universe and on the Reality of which we are part.

And... What about Knowledge and Consciousness?

Links to the tables of contents of TFNR Paper