Primary Source

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The Source of Reality, the Primary Source, is the causal origin and the variational (space-time) texture of the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality.

The Primary Source is the Entity that produce, emit, generate, create the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, from whose organization everything comes.

Its inner aspects / components, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, are the fundamental sub-entities from whose interaction Reality incessantly emerges. The Properties of the Primary Source completely determine the dimensions of Reality: cause, space and time.

Force and Field are a unity, two different aspects of the same Source. The Force is the active, the creative side of the Source. The Field is the passive, its receptive side.

The only entity whose absolute existence can be affirmed is the Primary Source, in its two aspects, Fundamental Force acting on the Elementary Field. It is the fundamental entity, absolute creative power.

The Primary Source is the Entity which, through the Action of the Force on the Field, mediates the transition from Nothingness to Emptiness, from Nothing to the Void (sub-process of Creation: production and dynamics of Events, of Action) and from Emptiness to Somethingness, from Void to Something (sub-process of Evolution: production and dynamics of Relations, of Information), the two sub-processes that make up the Process of Formation of Reality, and its expression in the physical domain, the Process of Formation of Physical Reality. The Source transforms the absolute, the "Nothing", in relative, in Existence, in Something. In its active aspect that we call the Fundamental Force, the Source represent the fundamental Agent of reification, trasmuting the potential into the actual. The Fundamental Force and its derivations, the Operators of Reality and all the Derived Agents / Forces that act at the various levels of complexity, create and evolve Reality, organizing Events with Relations in Processes. That's all that exist. Nothing less, nothing more.

We can say that the Source exists, because it produces the fundamental form of existence, the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, the existential substratum of Reality, that supports Information, which gives form to the Action.

All the Structures of Information and the Forms, that dynamically and evolutionarily make up Reality, possess the property of "derived existence", as different organizations of the Events that constitute the Elementary Action.

Common definition

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